Privacy Policy

Charlotte Randall Interiors is committed to protecting your personal information.

You are able to visit our website without sharing any of your personal data, we will only collect your data should you choose to place an order with Charlotte Randall Interiors.

Data Collection

When placing your order, we will require your name, address, email address, contact number and payment details. These details are required in or to complete your order.

All invoices are paid via bank transfer, meaning we have no access to your personal data, this is held securely by your bank.

Storing Data

The data collected is only used to process your order, it is stored securely and will never be shared with any third parties. Your data will be held securely and will not be shared unless there is a legal requirement to do so.

If you have any questions about your data, how it is collected or stored, please get in touch with us either by using our Get in Touch form or by emailing us on